PSO’S United Newsletter – 98

Hello, White Oak Union Members!

Union Update…..

PSO’S United will NOT be negotiating away YOUR HEALTH & WELFARE.

PSO’S United will be going to negotiate the CBA April 30th-May 2nd, 2019.

Triple Canopy is still behind the ball with deducting the union dues and that’s why some of you are seeing Union Dues and Union Fees on your paystub. The Union Fee is just the recoupment of Union Dues that Triple Canopy neglected to withdraw from your paycheck. Please check your paystubs as far back as September 2018 up until now to see which months Union Dues WAS NOT deducted.

Spring is Upon us!!!

Spring is upon us and PSO’S United wants to celebrate our accomplishments thus far. We are looking for volunteers to be a part of our Activity Committee. This Committee will be in charge of special events such as: PSO’S United Summer Cook-Out, Christmas Shindig and much much more. Please email Recording Secretary James Brawner If you’re interested. Can’t wait to hear from YOU!!!


James Brawner


Recording Secretary

PSO’S United



“Protecting our own….”